A group of young people go to a remote marijuana farm where they hope to make quick cash. But, they discover the location's dark secrets and now must try to escape the mountain on which they are trapped.
A family finds themselves on a dark, scary journey into their own self-created madness when a mysterious entity manifests itself.
20世纪末,研习黑魔法的阿尔弗莱德(Aldo Sanbrell 饰)利欲熏心,从地狱召唤来三个绝美却恐怖冷血的女妖。女妖帮助他达成愿望,作为回报阿尔弗莱德必须定期向她们奉上活人作为贡品。为了吸引更多贡品,阿尔弗莱德开了一家高级院,多年来无辜遇害者不计其数。 阿尔弗莱德死后,约翰?斯托克(Sergio Jones 饰)接手此地,他请来六个灵媒,希望驱除盘踞在这里的恶魔。然而“请神容易送神难”,何况他所面对的是来自地狱深处的魔鬼。灵媒专家泰德(Clark Beasley Jr. 饰)及其小组碰上了出道以来
A couple's ailing marriage is put to the test when they are held hostage in an isolated vacation rental by an unseen Voice that commands their every move.
Mason Maestro has just directed what he considers to be his masterpiece, a film titled 'That's a Wrap.' The cast arrive to the studio excited to celebrate what they just created. But they aren't the only ones there. Someone has dressed up as Mistress, the
南太平洋1000尺的深海海底,美国政府发现了一艘已有300年历史的神秘太空船。当局立刻组成了一队由心理学家诺曼·古德曼(达斯汀·霍夫曼 Dustin Hoffman饰)、生物化学家贝丝·哈波琳(莎朗·斯通 Sharon Stone饰)和数学家哈瑞·亚当斯(塞缪尔·杰克逊 Samuel L. Jackson饰)这三位顶尖科学家组成的科学小组前往当地调查。他们利用高科技的实验艇深入海底进行探测。然而船体内部的一个巨大而怪异的球状体,拥有着洞悉每个人的内心世界的强大魔力,它似乎能控制每个人的思想和行为。更糟的是